NBF launches Retail Champions scheme

The National Bed Federation (NBF) has launched a new scheme to promote the benefits of buying approved British-made beds to consumers.
The new ‘Retail Champions’ initiative replaces the Retail Supporters scheme. It aims to raise awareness among consumers of the rigorous and independent testing carried out on NBF members to ensure their products are reputable and made to the correct standards.
Importantly, the new scheme is supported by a dynamic postcode search listing on the NBF website which attracts up to 50,000 visitors a month. For many consumers this represents a first step in their bed-buying journey and the site now directs them to their nearest Retail Champion.
The scheme offers two levels of recognition. To qualify as a Retail Champion, stores must stock at least 50% of beds made by NBF members. Shops which sell only NBF member beds will be awarded Premier Retail Champion status.
Said Simon Williams, marketing and membership manager for the NBF:” With the fresh, new NBF branding, we needed to update the existing Retail Supporters point of sale material, so it was the perfect time to re-badge it. The previous scheme implied support for the NBF and we wanted to change the emphasis to make it more valued for the retailer with a stronger consumer message.”

As well as an automatic website listing (free for the remainder of the year), those signing up for the new scheme will receive a full POS pack which includes two window vinyls, and a large, double-sided hanging board, flagging the store’s status with either a Premier or Retail Champion logo.

In addition, generic tent cards explain to the consumer why they should buy NBF Approved beds. Each pack also contains 20 swing tickets which can be attached to NBF member beds in the stores plus an adhesive label suitable for using on headboards, bedframes or even roll-up mattresses.

Said Simon: “Our Retail Supporters scheme covered some 250 shops around the country and we are confident that the new initiative will attract similar numbers. Although we have shifted the emphasis towards the consumer, our underlying commitment remains to promote the reassurance offered to them by our industry leading Code of Practice.”

Retailers can sign up to the scheme by visiting bedfed.org.uk/resources/retail-champions-scheme/

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