National Bed Federation Announces Pledge for Our Planet

The National Bed Federation (NBF) has launched an industry-wide ‘Pledge for Our Planet,’ asking companies in the bed industry to take steps in unison that will address global environmental damage. The Pledge was officially launched at the association’s annual Forum, with 15 member companies already signed up and a further six made their commitment at the event.

Says NBF President Jim Gerety: “There is now overwhelming scientific evidence that our planet is warming at an unsustainable rate and the quality and quantity of natural habitats is in decline. The NBF Pledge signifies a collective effort to commit to a journey of continuous environmental improvement at both a company and product level to reverse these trends. It has also been designed to future-proof the industry for upcoming legislation and market changes.”

The NBF Pledge covers five key areas of commitment for each business who signs up, to:

  1. Become a more sustainable business
  2. Reduce their global warming impact
  3. Reduce waste
  4. Reduce their products’ impact on the environment
  5. Take responsibility for their actions

Sitting behind each of these five pledges are a set of specific ‘core’ and ‘advanced’ actions and targets to be achieved within two- and five-year time frames. There are additionally progressive targets for halving greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 and achieving net zero by 2050, in line with Science-based Targets Initiative.

All NBF members will be actively encouraged to sign up to the five-point pledge on a voluntary basis over the coming months. “This is just what it says on the tin – a pledge, a commitment designed for everyone, regardless of their size, location, whether they are manufacturer or supplier to the bed industry or the current progress made on their sustainability journey,” said NBF executive director Jessica Alexander.

“However, targets are important to give the pledge concrete meaning – it’s a pledge for action and change, not just words.

“For that reason, we are particularly thrilled that so many of our members – particularly those who have been actively involved in the development of the Pledge, have already made their commitment and signed up. We are hoping that many more will soon join them.”

The ‘NBF Pledge for our Planet’ is supported by a comprehensive guidance document with advice and suggestions as to how to achieve each of the targets for each of the five pledges.

Signatories will be awarded a certificate and have a suite of logos and other materials to promote their allegiance.

“It’s vital that we actively support our members to achieve these commitments, as well as checking in with signatories regularly to see how they are doing,” says Alexander.

“For instance, our work on ecodesign principles and the soon to be published ecodesign assessment tool will help our members assess their progress on Pledge 4 – reducing their products’ impact on the environment.

“We are also in the process of creating a new role within the NBF team for an environmental and circular economy lead who will be there to give our members practical support and guidance and monitor our collective progress.”

Find more information on the NBF Pledge for Our Planet page

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