Retail Champions Scheme

Benefits of joining the NBF Retail Champions Scheme

Watch this space: An exciting new level of benefits and support for NBF Retail Champions is coming. If you’re an NBF Retail Champion, please register your interest to be kept in the loop.

1. Your company details listed on our engaging consumer-facing Bed Advice website with link to your website

The NBF’s consumer facing website receives 28,000 visits every month from consumers with an active interest in buying beds, mattresses and related items. Our ‘Find a Retailer’ facility allows them to search for their nearest NBF Retail Champion.

2. Association with the leading UK authority on all things beds

Increased credibility for your business whilst being seen to support UK & Irish bed manufacturers who, as approved NBF members, have undergone independent auditing to ensure they have robust procedures in place to meet all relevant UK regulations on product safety, cleanliness and honesty.

3. Exclusive access and updates

All of our Retail Champions have the unique opportunity to enter the annual NBF Bed Awards and advertise on Bed Advice UK. You will also receive regular communications via our dedicated Champions’ Chat newsletter, which includes the latest trade news, support and insights.

4. Free point of sale pack

Receive a pack of digital assets and a retail point of sale pack containing:

Please note, that NBF Retail Champions are NOT members of the National Bed Federation. View of our full list of NBF members.

2 x A4 window vinyls

20 x A6 swing tickets

Digital images and suggested copy

for use on your website and social media platforms

Premier Retail Champion pack contents

Retail Champion pack contents

Window vinyl A4 size Digital Images
Window vinyl A4 size Digital Image

How to apply

If you currently source at least 50% of your UK & Irish made beds and mattresses from NBF members, simply complete the declaration form below. The information you provide below will be used on our Bed Advice UK website. Once you have applied, we will carry out our checks before we respond.

Retail Champion Scheme Applications
Address Line 1
Address Line 2
Post Code

Section Field

I confirm that of our UK and Ireland sourced shop or website display beds:

Please tick one that applies:

Please list the main NBF brands that you stock

The National Bed Federation reserves the right to verify this with the named NBF members

Please tick the box to opt in to receive relevant NBF news updates

The NBF respects your privacy and will not share your details with any third parties

Please tick the box to opt in to receive relevant NBF news updates

Join the NBF

Be part of our award-winning trade association for the UK & Ireland's bed industry


The National Bed Federation is the recognised trade association representing UK manufacturers of beds and their suppliers. Founded in 1912, its members today account for about 75% of the total UK bedding turnover

Annual Report & Accounts

For the year ending December 2023

NBF Green

Our Goal: 75% of new mattress sales diverted from landfill by 2028.

For Members



NBF Members List

Our member directory is a list of current NBF members with contact details and their certificate number.

Product Search

A database of National Bed Federation members to help you search for either finished or component products.


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